Kentucky wedding +
Family Photographer




Photography is Not Just for the Professional

February 25, 2020

Hi, I'm liz.

For me, it's more than just the beautiful photos. I want every single client that I have the pleasure to work with to feel comfortable and taken care of. 

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I know how it sounds. Let me start by saying, as a professional photographer, I absolutely implore you to hire a professional (ahem, me!) at least once or a few times a year. I, myself have a professional photographer document our family a few times a year! Let me tell you… it’s WAY easier than trying to jump in the frame and get photos with your kids in cute clothes, hair fixed, and makeup on. I’d much rather relax and focus on loving my kids in front of the camera and let the professional do the work ANY DAY for those kinds of beautiful, polished images. That will ALWAYS have a place and importance to me!

But I’ll also tell you that I am DAILY documenting our messy everyday lives. When my toddler draws all over her face or dresses herself, clothes inside out and upside down. Messy lunches and bed head. When my oldest draws a beautiful masterpiece and the concentration on her face is inspiring. Jumping in muddy puddles after a rain. When my girls pick a bouquet of dandelions and yard flowers for me. These moments are fleeting and the most beautiful parts of my life. Here and then gone in a literal blink of an eye! Having photographs of these moments mean the absolute WORLD to me and I’m going to guess that it would mean the world to you too. I’m also going to guess, no actually I KNOW that you’re already desperately trying to capture these moments on your iPhone. A few of you probably on an expensive camera that you’re not really sure how to use other than setting it to Auto and snapping away.



Anyone who has been to my home has seen the wall gallery in my kitchen with our beautiful polished images from our beach vacation this year. BUT they’ve also seen the gallery in my living room full of everyday moments. These include my oldest, arms outstretched with a smile from ear to ear standing in the sprinklers. My girls coloring eggs on Easter Sunday still in their Sunday best. A black and white of my girls eating cereal together. My daughters swimming at the pool. And a guest favorite… my youngest with both fingers in her nose. We also have albums FULL of these moments and my girls love looking through them and talking about all of the memories and beautiful moments we’ve experienced together. The thing about those moments is that there isn’t always a professional around to document them.

What’s the difference in having a snapshot that stays on your iPhone, and a polished piece of art worthy of hanging on your wall- one that will illicit memory and emotion in both you and your children and grandchildren every time they look at it? The answer is knowing how to use your camera (DSLR and iPhone alike!) and a knowledge of photography techniques. What a powerful gift and skill that is!



I believe that this is a skill worth investing in! For everyone, but especially parents and grandparents. Becoming a mother was THE reason I had my husband run to the camera store down the street (we lived in Louisville at the time where that’s actually a thing haha!) and buy my first DSLR. Let me tell you, I had no idea what I was doing at first and those photos are not pretty. I spent a LOT of time researching, learning, and practicing and after a while finally began producing images that I was proud of.

How much EASIER that would have been if I had a mentor who could have helped me through those tricky camera settings, how to use the exposure triangle, explaining light, composition, and simple editing. I know first hand how difficult it can be wading through all of that information without someone there to guide you. I want to be there to help you because I truly believe in the importance of the photograph and the impact it can have on your family and future generations.



This Saturday, February 29th I’m hosting a Beginner’s Workshop that will give you a wonderful foundation and knowledge to stop taking so-so snapshots, and start documenting your life in a beautiful way that you will be proud to hang on your walls, put in albums, and smile when handing down to your children and grandchildren. Plus, we’re not going to end the conversation there. I want to keep growing with you in the exclusive Facebook Group for participants. I would LOVE to see you there!!!



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